When I got to Coogee the water was so clear, and the first thing I thought of was like in Dancing With Wolves - "It is a good day to dive."
So I called up Andrew and he was like "We're already there!" ... but their tide charts were an hour off, and I had time to make it.
There was a 2m exchange that day and it was indeed clear.
We drifted to the southern end of the reef, passing eels, lots of fish and sunny clear-ish waters.
Pineapple fish and cuttlefish hung out in an overhang together.
... with a fat Wobbegong shark!
On my way back I was just cruising, and looked up in time to avoid smashing my head into a rock. This toady little guy was right there. This is by far the best seaslug I have ever seen, here or in Fiji. My lense was fogging up, which adds a glamour-shot feel to these pics.
Can you see its butt hole?